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Shark Working Group
General Information
The ISC Shark Working Group (SHARKWG) is made up of scientists from ISC Member nations and observers. The SHARKWG meets regularly to assess and analyze fishery data and other information, including trends in population abundance and developments in fisheries; to determine the status of the stocks of key shark species captured in the North Pacific; and to develop scientific advice concerning conservation needs. The SHARKWG also promotes cooperative and collaborative research among members by developing proposals for international research programs and coordinating, to the extent possible, national programs addressing research needs for these shark species.
The two species of greatest priority to the SHARKWG based on their distribution with respect to North Pacific fisheries and high relative encounter rates are the blue (Prionace glauca) and shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) sharks. The SHARKWG has a responsibility to conduct the stock assessments for blue and shortfin mako sharks in the North Pacific and updates the benchmark stock assessments every five years. In the intermediate year of the benchmark stock assessments of each species, the SHARKWG is also obligated to show the results of indicator analysis such as annual CPUE trends of each country for monitoring the recent stock conditions of both species. In addition, the SHARKWG monitors ongoing research and fishery activities related to other shark species of interest to the ISC, including bigeye thresher (Alopias superciliosus), pelagic thresher (A. pelagicus), common thresher (A. vulpinus), oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus), silky shark (C. falciformis), hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna spp.), longfin mako (I. paucus), salmon shark (Lamna ditropis), and crocodile shark (Pseudocarcharias kamoharai).
Interest Species Information
◊ Blue Shark (Prionace glauca)

Click here to see the latest Stock Status and Conservation Information.
◊ Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)

Click here to see the latest Stock Status and Conservation Information.
Working Group Reports and Working Papers
- Keelung, Chinese Taipei (April 2011)
- La Jolla, USA (November 2011)
- Shimizu, Japan (May 2012)
- La Jolla, USA (January 2013)
- Shimizu, Japan (April 2013)
- Busan, Korea (July 2013)
- La Jolla, USA (January 2014)
- Keelung, Chinese-Taipei (June 2014)
- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (November 2014)
- Shimizu, Japan (March 2015)
- Busan, Korea (November 2016)
- La Jolla, USA (March 2017)
- Shimizu, Japan (October 2017)
- Shimizu, Japan (November 2017)
- La Jolla, USA (April 2018)
- Kaohsiung, Chinese-Taipei (November 2018)
- Shimizu, Japan (December 2019)
- Webinar (March 2020)
- Webinar (February 2021)
- Webinar (December 2021)
- Webinar (March 2022)
- Webinar (April 2022)
- Shimizu, Japan (December 2022)
- Yokohama, Japan (Nov. 2023)
- Webinar (Jan. 2024)
- La Jolla, USA (Feb. 2024)
- Honolulu, USA (May 2024)
- Yokohama, Japan (January 2025)
Working Group Chair
Michael Kinney