14-21 November 2016 Busan, Korea
Report of the Shark Working Group Workshop
Working Group Working Papers
- Reproductive biology of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the western North Pacific Ocean.
- Fujinami, Y., Y. Semba, H. Okamoto, S. Ohshimo and S. Tanaka
- fuji925_at_affrc.go.jp
- Age and growth estimation of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the western North Pacific Ocean.
- Fujinami, Y., Y. Semba, H. Ijima and S. Tanaka
- fuji925_at_affrc.go.jp
- Conversion factors between specific body parts for blue shark in Pacific Ocean.
- Yamamoto, A., A. Shibano, Y. Semba, Y. Hiraoka, M. Kanaiwa and M. Kobayashi
- a3yamamo_at_bioindustry.nodai.ac.jp
- Migration pathways for adult female blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the western North Pacific Ocean.
- Shiozaki, K., Y. Fujinami and M. Kai
- kaim_at_affrc.go.jp
- Estimation of population growth rate of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) using two-sex age-structure matrix model.
- Yokoi, H., H. Ijima, S. Ohshimo and K. Yokawa
- ijima_at_affrc.go.jp
- Update of age and sex specific natural mortality of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Semba, Y. and H. Yokoi
- senbamak_at_affrc.go.jp
- Stock recruitment relationships of North Pacific blue shark.
- Kai, M. and Y. Fujinami
- kaim_at_affrc.go.jp
- A potential method for meta-analysis of growth curve for shortfin mako in the North Pacific.
- Takahashi, N., M. Kai and Y. Semba
- norio_at_affrc.go.jp
- Performance of methods used to estimate abundance indices for a longline fishery targeting two species, with consideration of target change.
- Shibano, A., M. Kanaiwa, R. Watari, M. Shibuya, A. Yamamoto, M. Kobayashi
and M. Kai
- ayumi.shibano_at_gmail.com
- Update of Japanese abundance indices for blue shark caught by Japanese offshore and distant water shallow-set longliner in the North Pacific.
- Kai, M. and K. Shiozaki
- kaim_at_affrc.go.jp
- Update of Japanese catches for blue shark caught by Japanese offshore and distant water longliner in the North Pacific.
- Kai, M.
- kaim_at_affrc.go.jp
- Update of catches for North Pacific blue shark caught by Japanese coastal fisheries.
- Kai, M. and T. Yano
- kaim_at_affrc.go.jp
- Direct Estimates of Gear Selectivity for the North Pacific Blue Shark Using Catch-at-Length Data: implications for stock assessment.
- Carvalho, F. and T. Sippel
- felipe.carvalho_at_noaa.gov
- Size and sex structure of blue sharks in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Sippel, T., Y. Semba, K. Shiozaki, F. Carvalho, J. L. Castillo-Geniz, W.-P. Tsai,
K.-M. Liu, Y. Kwon, Y. Chen and S. Kohin
- tim.sippel_at_noaa.gov
- Catch and Size of Blue Sharks Caught in U.S. Fisheries in the North Pacific.
- Kohin, S., T. Sippel and F. Carvalho
- suzanne.kohin_at_noaa.gov
- Standardized CPUE for Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) Caught by the Longline Fisheries Based in Hawaii (1994 E2015).
- Carvalho, F.
- felipe.carvalho_at_noaa.gov
- Stock Assessment and Future Projections for the North Pacific Blue Shark (Prionace glauca): An Alternative Bayesian State-Space Surplus Production Model.
- Carvalho, F., H. Winker and J. Brodziak
- felipe.carvalho_at_noaa.gov
- Stock Assessment of North Pacific Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) Using a Catch Based Method.
- Carvalho, F. and H. Winker
- felipe.carvalho_at_noaa.gov
- Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) bycatch statistics in Canadian Fisheries.
- King, J.R. and A.M. Surry
- jackie.king_at_dfo-mpo.gc.ca
- Catch, size and distribution pattern of blue sharks by Taiwanese small-scale longline fleets in the North Pacific in 2001-2015.
- Liu, K.-M., K.-Y. Su and C.-P. Chin
- kmliu_at_ntou.edu.tw
- Size and spatial distribution of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, caught by Taiwanese large-scale longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Liu, K.-M., K.-Y. Su and W.-P. Tsai
- kmliu_at_ntou.edu.tw
- Catch estimate and CPUE standardization of the blue shark based on observers Erecords of Taiwanese large-scale tuna longline fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Tsai, W.-P., and K.-M. Liu
- kmliu_at_ntou.edu.tw
- Catch and size data of blue shark by Korean tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Kim, D. N., Y. Kwon, S. I. Lee, H. J. Cho, J. E. Ku and M. K. Lee
- kwonuj_at_korea.kr
- Blue shark catches estimations for the Mexican Pacific (1976-2014).
- Sosa-Nishizaki, O. and J. L. Castillo-Geniz
- leonardo.castillo_at_inapesca.gob.mx
- Standardized catch rates for blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the 2006-2015 Mexican Pacific longline fishery based upon a shark scientific observer program.
- Fernández-Méndez, J. I., L. V. González-Ania and J. L. Castillo-Géniz
- leonardo.castillo_at_inapesca.gob.mx