19-26 November 2014 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
Report of the Shark Working Group Workshop
Working Group Working Papers
- Description of the Hawaii Longline Observer Program.
- Sippel, T., N. Nasby-Lucas and S. Kohin
- tim.sippel_at_noaa.gov
- Catch data for shortfin mako shark reported by fishery observers from Mexican shark longline and driftnet fisheries in the North Pacific in 2006-2014.
- Castillo-Geniz, J.L., C.J. Godinez-Padilla, H.A. Ajás-Terriquez
and L.V. González-Ania
- leonardo.castillo_at_inapesca.gob.mx
- Catches of shortfin mako sharks from U.S. commercial and recreational fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Sippel, T., F. Carvalho, S.L.H. Teo and S. Kohin
- tim.sippel_at_noaa.gov
- Distribution, body length and abundance of blue shark and shortfin mako in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean based on longline research vessels from 2000 to 2014.
- Ohshimo, S., Y. Fujinami, K. Shiozaki, M. Kai, Y. Semba, N. Katsumata, D. Ochi,
H. Matsunaga, H. Minami and K. Yokawa
- oshimo_at_affrc.go.jp
- Evaluation of growth band counts precision in the vertebrae of shortfin mako sharks caught in the Mexican Pacific.
- Tovar-Ávila, J., D.A. Chávez-Arrenquín, J. Leonardo-Castillo-Géniz,
D. Corro-Espinosa, C.J. Godínez-Padilla, G. Andrade-Domínguez,
A. Torres, J.F. Márquez-Farías, R.E. Lara-Mendoza, J.E.O. Soto, A.R. Valencia
and L.D.C. Collín
- javier.tovar_at_inapesca.sagarpa.gob.mx
- Oxytetracycline age validation of an adult shortfin mako shark after six years at liberty.
- Kinney, M.J., R.J.D. Wells and S. Kohin
- michael.kinney_at_noaa.gov
- Standaradized abundance index of juvenile shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) based on fishery independent survey in the Southern California Bight (1994-2013).
- Runcie, R.M., Y. Xu, J. Wraith and S. Kohin
- Rosa.Runcie_at_noaa.gov
- Standardized catch rates of shortfin mako shark in the U.S. West Coast drift gillnet fishery.
- Lee, H.H., K. Piner, S.L.H. Teo and S. Kohin
- Huihua.lee_at_noaa.gov
- Standardized catch rates of shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) caught by the Hawaii-based pelagic longline fleet (2002-2013).
- Carvalho, F. and G. DiNardo
- felipe.carvalho_at_noaa.gov
- CPUE standardization and catch estimate of shortfin mako shark by Taiwanese large-scale tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Tsai, W.P. and K.M. Liu
- kmliu_at_mail.ntou.edu.tw
- Developing and testing a State-space Production Model for the shortfin mako shark in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Carvalho, F., H.H. Lee, Y.J. Chang and G. DiNardo
- felipe.carvalho_at_noaa.gov
- CPUE standardization for shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, of the Japanese Longline Fishery in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Kai, M., Y. Semba, K. Shiozaki, S. Oshimo and K. Yokawa
- kaim_at_affrc.go.jp
- Counting of concentric bands in vertebrae of mako shark of the North Pacific Ocean.
- Márquez-Farías, J.F. and R.E. Lara-Mendoza
- fermqz_at_yahoo.com
- Standardized catch rates for mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the 2006-2014 Mexican Pacific longline fishery based upon a shark scientific observer program.
- González-Ania, L.V., J.I. Fernández-Méndez and J.L. Castillo-Géniz
- luis.gania_at_inapesca.gob.mx
- Estimations of the Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) catches by Mexican Pacific fisheries (1976-2013).
- Sosa-Nishizaki, O., L.E. Saldaña-Ruiz, D. Corro-Espinosa, J. Tovar-Ávila,
J.L. Castillo-Géniz, H. Santana-Hernández and J.F. Márquez-Farías
- ososa_at_cicese.mx
Information Papers
- Growth and spatiotemporal distribution of juvenile shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the western and central North Pacific.
- Kai, M., K Shiozaki, S. Ohshimo and K. Yokawa
- kaim_at_affrc.go.jp
- Spatial and temporal patterns in the size and sex of shortfin mako sharks from US and Japanese commercial fisheries: a synthesis to guide future research.
- Sippel, T., S. Ohshimo, K. Yokawa, Y. Semba, M. Kai, F. Carvalho, M. Kinney
and S. Kohin
- tim.sippel_at_noaa.gov
- Preliminary Overview of the SPC Data holdings in the North Pacific with respect to Mako shark caught by NON-ISC members, and ISC members in the north Pacific EEZ's (excluding USA).
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