27 January - 3 February 2025 Yokohama, Japan
Working Group Working Papers
- Update on standardized catch rates for blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the 2006-2022 Mexican Pacific longline fisheries based upon a shark scientific observer program.
- Fernández-Méndez J. I., G. Ramírez-Soberón, J. L. Castillo-Géniz, H. Haro-Ávalos, L. V. González-Ania
- ignacio.fernandez_at_imipas.gob.mx
- Spatio-temporal model for CPUE standardization:
Application of blue shark caught by Japanese offshore and distant water shallow-set longliner in the western North Pacific up to 2023.
- Kai M.
- kai_mikihiko61_at_fra.go.jp
- Spatio-temporal model for CPUE standardization:
Application to blue shark caught by longline of Japanese research and training vessels in the western and central North Pacific up to 2023.
- Kai M.
- kai_mikihiko61_at_fra.go.jp
- Updated standardized CPUE and catch estimation of the blue shark caught by the Taiwanese large scale tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Tsai W.-P., K.-M. Liu, K.-Y. Su
- wptsai_at_nkust.edu.tw
- Updated blue shark CPUE from US Hawai’i longline fisheries; 2002-2023.
- Ducharme-Barth N. D.
- nicholas.ducharme-barth_at_noaa.gov
- Inferring vertical and horizontal movements of shortfin mako sharks Isurus oxyrinchus in the northwestern North Pacific Ocean from electronic tags.
- Lin, S.-J., W.-C. Chiang, W.-P. Tsai, M. K. Musyl, Y. Y. Watanabe, S. Tokunaga, Y.-S. Ho
- wcchiang_at_mail.tfrin.go.tw
- Checkpoint for the application of close-kin mark recapture for the North Pacific shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus).
- Semba Y., Y. Tsukahara, R. Ueda, H. Takeshima and N. Suzuki
- semba_yasuko25_at_fra.go.jp