9-17 March 2015 Shizuoka, Japan
Report of the Shark Working Group Workshop
Working Group Working Papers
- Size and standardized CPUE of two pelagic sharks in the North Pacific based on salmon driftnet surveys.
- Ohshimo, S., K. Shiozaki and K. Yokawa
- oshimo_at_affrc.go.jp
- CPUE and catch of shortfin mako caught by Japanese shallow-set longliner in the western North Pacific.
- Kai, M., K. Shiozaki, S. Ohshimo, K. Yokawa, N. Takahashi and M. Kanaiwa
- kaim_at_affrc.go.jp
- Use of Geostatistical modelling for CPUE of Japanese shallow-set longline for Shortfin mako shark.
- Kai, M., K. Piner and M.N. Maunder
- kaim_at_affrc.go.jp
- Spatial and temporal patterns of shortfin mako shark size and sex in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Sippel, T., S. Ohshimo, K. Yokawa, M. Kai, F. Carvalho, K.-M. Liu,
J.L. Castillo-Geniz and S. Kohin
- tim.sippel_at_noaa.gov
- Genetic stock structure of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the Pacific Ocean.
- Taguchi, M., S. Ohshimo and K. Yokawa
- tagu305_at_affrc.go.jp
- Simulation testing of stock indicators.
- Lee, H.-H., F. Carvalho and K.R. Piner
- huihua.lee_at_noaa.gov
- Revised standardized catch rates and catch estimate of shortfin mako shark by Taiwanese large-scale tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Tsai, W.-P. and K.-M. Liu
- kmliu_at_mail.ntou.edu.tw
- Estimation of productivity of blue shark and shortfin mako under the different biological parameters based on the matrix model.
- Yokoi, H., S. Ohshimo and K. Yokawa
- yokoih_at_fra.affrc.go.jp
Information Papers
- Assessing the potential biases of ignoring sexual dimorphism and mating mechanism in using a single-sex demographic model: the shortfin mako shark as a case study.
- Tsai, W.-P., K.-M. Liu,A.E. Punt and C.-L. Sun
- chilu_at_ntu.edu.tw
- Indicator based analysis of the status of New Zealand blue, mako and porbeagle sharks.
- Francis, M.P., S.C. Clarke, L.H. Griggs and S.D. Hoyle
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- Stock status indicators for silky sharks in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
- Aires-da-Silva, A., C. Lennert-Cody, M.N. Maunder and M. Román-Verdesoto
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- Satellite Tagging and Cardiac Physiology Reveal Niche Expansion in Salmon Sharks.
- Weng, K.C., P.C. Castilho, J.M. Morrissette, A.M. Landeira-Fernandez,
D.B. Holts, R.J. Schallert, K.J. Goldman and B.A. Block
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- Using pop-up satellite archival tags to inform selectivity in fisheries stock assessment models: a case study for the blue shark in the South Atlantic Ocean.
- Carvalho, F., R. Ahrens, D. Murie, K. Bigelow, A. Aires-da-Silva, M.N. Maunder
and F. Hazin
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- Using movement data from electronic tags in fisheries stock assessment: A review of models, technology and experimental design.
- Sippel, T., J.P. Eveson, B. Galuardi, C. Lam, S. Hoyle, M. Maunder, P. Kleiber,
F. Carvalho, V. Tsontos, S.L.H. Teo, A. Aires-da-Silva and S. Nicol
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