29 February-8 March 2024 Kaohsiung, Chinese-Taipei
Report of the Pacific Bluefin Tuna Working Group Workshop
Working Group Working Papers
- Re-evaluation of coefficient of variance (CV) in growth curve using the latest otolith data.
- Tsukahara Y., T. Ishihara, S.-K. Chang, J.-C. Shiao, H.-H. Lee and H. Fukuda
- tsukahara_yohei35_at_fra.go.jp
- PBF size composition 2022-2023 from the Mexican purse seine fishery. Data collected during pen transfer operations.
- Dreyfus-Leon M. J. and M. Betancourt
- dreyfus_at_cicese.mx
- Update on Korean fishery information and size distribution of Pacific Bluefin tuna.
- Kwon Y., J. Lee, H. W. Park, H. Lee, J. H. Lim and S. I. Lee
- kwonuj_at_korea.kr
- Recruitment abundance index of Pacific bluefin tuna based on real-time troll monitoring survey data using Vector Autoregressive Spatio-Temporal (VAST) model analysis.
- Fujioka K., S. Asai, Y. Tsukahara, H. Fukuda and S. Nakatsuka
- fujioka_ko34_at_fra.go.jp
- Developing abundance indices for Taiwanese PBF longline fishery using GLMM and VAST, incorporating SST and size data.
- Yuan T.-L., S.-K. Chang and H. Xu
- skchang_at_faculty.nsysu.edu.tw
- Area weighted size composition data for estimation in a selectivity of Japanese longline index standardized by spatio-temporal model
- Tsukahara Y. and H. Fukuda
- tsukahara_yohei35_at_fra.go.jp
- Input data of Pacific bluefin tuna fisheries for stock assessment model, Stock Synthesis 3; Update for 2024 assessment.
- Nishikawa K., S.-K. Chang, Y. Kwon, J. Lee, M. Dreyfus, H.-H. Lee, H. Fukuda and S. Nakatsuka
- nishikawa_kirara68_at_fra.go.jp
- Assumptions and its alternatives for the assessment model in the 2024 Stock Assessment of Pacific Bluefin Tuna.
- Fukuda H., Y. Tsukahara and K. Nishikawa
- fukuda_hiromu57_at_fra.go.jp
- Long-term Performance of Pacific Bluefin Tuna harvest controls with a 25% Limit on Quota Change under a Low Recruitment Scenario
- Tommasi D., H.-H. Lee
- desiree.tommasi_at_noaa.gov
- Revised Method to Tune the Relative Fishing Mortality in the Pacific Bluefin tuna MSE for the Requested Proportional Fishery Impact.
- Tommasi D., H.-H. Lee
- desiree.tommasi_at_noaa.gov
- Implementation of 2-year lag between stock status estimation and management action in the Pacific Bluefin tuna management strategy evaluation.
- Tommasi D., H.-H. Lee
- desiree.tommasi_at_noaa.gov
- Potential Robustness Trials for the Pacific Bluefin Management Strategy Evaluation.
- Tommasi D., H.-H. Lee
- desiree.tommasi_at_noaa.gov
- Illustration of uncertainties on the plots for Executive summary.
- Tsukahara Y. and H. Fukuda
- tsukahara_yohei35_at_fra.go.jp
- Preliminary future projections for Pacific bluefin tuna stock based on the 2024 stock assessment base case.
- Nishikawa K., H. Fukuda, Y. Tsukahara and S. Nakatsuka
- nishikawa_kirara68_at_fra.go.jp
- Evaluating the Uncertainty Grid Using the 2024 stock assessment: Applying Diagnostic Tools.
- Lee H.-H. and D. Tommasi
- huihua.lee_at_noaa.gov
- Coefficient of variance (CV) in age-length relationships, based on otolith age estimation.
- Ishihara T., Y. Tsukahara, J.-C. Shiao and H. Fukuda
- ishihara_taiki84_at_fra.go.jp
- Bootstrap settings.
- Tsukahara Y.
- tsukahara_yohei35_at_fra.go.jp
- Future projection setting.
- Nishikawa K.
- nishikawa_kirara68_at_fra.go.jp
- Changes in exploitation pattern across fleets between assessments and implications for the management strategy evaluation.
- Tommasi D., H.-H. Lee
- desiree.tommasi_at_noaa.gov