6-7,10 November 2020 Webinar
Report of the Billfish Working Group Workshop - Data Preparation
Working Group Working Papers
- Update Japanese longline abundance index of Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) estimated by the habitat model.
- Ijima, H.
- ijima_at_affrc.go.jp
- Preliminary analysis for the CPUE standardization of the Pacific blue marlin using Japanese longline logbook and the R software package R-INLA.
- Ijima H. and H. Koike
- ijima_at_affrc.go.jp
- CPUE standardization of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) for the Taiwanese distantâwater tuna longline fishery in the Pacific Ocean during 1971 - 2019.
- Hsu, J. and Y.-J. Chang
- jhenhsu_at_ntu.edu.tw
- Standardization of Pacific Blue Marlin Catch Per Unit Effort in the Hawaii Longline Fishery from 1995-2019.
- Sculley, M. and J. Brodziak
- michelle.sculley_at_noaa.gov
- Update Japanese catch and length-frequency data of Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) during 1971-2019.
- Ijima H.
- ijima_at_affrc.go.jp
- U.S Commercial fisheries for marlins in the North Pacific ocean.
- Ito R. Y. and M. Sculley
- russell.ito_at_noaa.gov
- Update of Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) catch and size statistics from the WCPFC and the IATTC.
- Ijima H.
- ijima_at_affrc.go.jp