21-24 March 2023 Shinagawa, Japan
Report of the Pacific Bluefin Tuna Working Group Workshop
Working Group Working Papers
- Update on Korean fisheries information of Pacific bluefin tuna and size distribution by Korean offshore large purse seine fishery
- Park H. W., H. Lee, S. I. Lee
- heewon81_at_korea.kr
- CPUE standardization for Taiwanese PBF fisheries using delta-GLMM and VAST, incorporating SST and size data
- Yuan T.-L., S.-K. Chang, Y. Chang
- skchang_at_faculty.nsysu.edu.tw
- Recruitment abundance index of immature Pacific bluefin tuna, derived from real-time monitoring survey data of troll fisheries
- Fujioka K., S. Asai, Y. Tsukahara, H. Fukuda and S. Nakatsuka
- fujioka_ko34_at_fra.go.jp
- CPUE standardization of Pacific bluefin tuna from Korean offshore large purse seine fishery
- Park H. W., H. Lee, S. I. Lee
- heewon81_at_korea.kr
- Annual indices of Pacific bluefin tuna larvae standardized by the Vector Autoregressive Spatio-Temporal model based on 2011 to 2021 larval survey
- Tawa A., Y. Tsukahara, H. Tanaka, T. Ishihara, H. Ashida, Y. Tanaka
- tawa_atsushi82_at_fra.go.jp
- Length and Weight Data Analyses for Commercially Landed Pacific Bluefin Tuna in the U.S. West Coast EEZ
- Lee H.-H., H. Dewar, K. James, M. Horeczko, and Y. Gu
- huihua.lee_at_noaa.gov
- Alternative input data bin format of length-composition from Japanese longline fishery for robust estimation of its selectivity
- Asai S., Y. Tsukahara and H. Fukuda
- asai_saki48_at_fra.go.jp
- Evaluating productivity parameter uncertainty using the age-structured production model diagnostic with recruitment
- Lee H.-H., D. Tommasi, H. Fukuda, K. Piner
- huihua.lee_at_noaa.gov
- Estimation of confidence intervals for the von Bertalanffy growth function parameters using the bootstrap method with a data set of direct age estimates from otoliths
- Ishihara T., H. Tanaka, H. Fukuda, A. Tawa, H. Ashida, Y. Tanaka
- ishihara_taiki84_at_fra.go.jp
- Cause of the high fluctuation of SSB in base case OM
- Nishikawa K., N. Takahashi, H. Fukuda
- nishikawa_kirara68_at_fra.go.jp
- Calculation of Fishery Impact Performance Metric for the Pacific Bluefin Tuna Management Strategy Evaluation
- Tommasi D., H.-H. Lee, K. Piner
- desiree.tommasi_at_noaa.gov
- Considerations of the Use of SS3 ASPM-R as an Estimation Model in PBF MSE
- Takahashi N., Y. Tsukahara, H. Fukuda
- takahashi_norio91_at_fra.go.jp
- Performance of Candidate Model-based Harvest Control Rules for Pacific Bluefin Tuna
- Tommasi D., H.-H. Lee, K. Piner
- desiree.tommasi_at_noaa.gov