17-22 February 2014 La Jolla, USA
Report of the Pacific Bluefin Tuna Working Group Workshop
Working Group Working Papers
- Standardized Catch Per Unit Effort of Pacific Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus orientalis) by General Linear Model for Taiwanese Small-Scale Longline Fishery in the Southwestern North Pacific Ocean.
- Wang, H.Y., J.L. Shih and C.C. Hsu
- hsucc_at_ntu.edu.tw
- Updated Standardized CPUE and Size Frequency for Pacific Bluefin Tuna Caught by Japanese Coastal Longliners.
- Hiraoka, Y., M. Ichinokawa, K. Oshima and Y. Takeuchi
- yhira415_at_affrc.go.jp
- Preliminary Population Dynamics Model for the updated stock assessment for Pacific Bluefin Tuna.
- Fukuda, H., I. Tsuruoka, Y. Tei, K. Oshima, H. Honda and Y. Takeuchi
- fukudahiromu_at_affrc.go.jp
- An Update on PBF Catch Size Composition for the Mexican Fishery Directed to Farming Operations in the EPO (2012-2013).
- Dreyfus, M. and A. Aires-da-Silva
- dreyfus_at_cicese.mx
- Updates of Input Data for Stock Assessment Model, Stock Synthesis 3, on Pacific Bluefin Tuna.
- Oshima, K., K. Fujioka, Y. Hiraoka, H. Fukuda, I. Tsuruoka, Y. Tei, Y. Takeuchi,
S.C. Yoon, C.C. Hsu, H.Y. Wang, R.F. Wu, S. Teo, M. Dreyfus and A. Aires-da-Silva
- oshimaka_at_affrc.go.jp
- Changes in Recruitment of Pacific Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus orientalis) from 1980 to 2012.
- Ishida, Y., Y. Takeuchi, K. Oshima, Y. Hiraoka, K. Fujioka, H. Fukuda,
M. Ichinokawa and H. Nakano
- ishiday_at_affrc.go.jp
- Recruitment Abundance Indices of Young Pacific Bluefin Tuna Revealed by Japanese Troll Fisheries.
- Fujioka, K., K. Oshima, Y. Tei, M. Ichinokawa and Y. Takeuchi
- fuji88_at_affrc.go.jp
- Revision of the Natural Mortality Estimates for Age-0 Fish of the Pacific Bluefine Tuna Using 1996-2012 Mark-Recapture Data in Tosa Bay.
- Iwata, S., T. Kitakado, K. Fujioka, H. Fukuda and Y. Takeuchi
- siwata0_at_kaiyodai.ac.jp
- Preliminary Trial to Estimate Age Separated Stock Indices by Using Japanese Purse Seine in Sea of Japan.
- Kanaiwa, M., R. Nagasawa, A. Shibano, Y. Ishihara and Y. Takeuchi
- m3kanaiw_at_bioindustry.nodai.ac.jp
- Updated Future Projections of Pacific Bluefin Tuna with Draft Results to Answer the Requests from NC9.
- Takeuchi, Y., Y. Tei and I. Tsuruoka
- yukiot_at_fra.affrc.go.jp
- A Review of the Model Setting for the Update of Stock Assessment for Pacific Bluefin Tuna.
- Fukuda, H., K. Oshima and Y. Takeuchi
- fukudahiromu_at_affrc.go.jp
- Preliminary Analysis of Catch at Size for Pacific Blurfin Tuna, Thunnus orientals Caught by Korean Offshore Large Purse Seiner.
- Yoon, S.C., Z.G. Kim, S.I. Lee and D.-W. Lee
- Yoonsc75_at_gmail.com