31 January-7 February 2012 La Jolla, USA
Report of the Pacific Bluefin Tuna Working Group Workshop
Working Group Working Papers
- Estimation of catch at size of Pacific bluefin tuna caught by Japanese longline fishery.
- Mizuno, A., M. Ichinokawa, K. Oshima and Y. Takeuchi
- mizunoakiko_at_fra.affrc.go.jp
- Reconsideration of estimation of catch at size for young Pacific bluefin tuna caught by Japanese small pelagic fish purse seine fisheries.
- Oshima, K., M. Kai, S. Iwata and Y. Takeuchi
- oshimaka_at_affrc.go.jp
- Estimation of catch at size of Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, caught by Japanese tuna purse seine spreated in Pacific Ocean.
- Abe, M., M. Kanaiwa, K. Oshima and Y. Takeuchi
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- Estimation of catch at size of young Pacific bluefin tuna caught by Japanese troll fisheries.
- Fukuda, H. and K. Oshima
- fukudahiromu_at_affrc.go.jp
- Update and re-examination of estimation of the catch at size of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis caught by Japanese setnet fishery.
- Kai, M. and Y. Takeuchi
- kaim_at_affrc.go.jp
- Preliminary analysis of length frequency for Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, landed by Other fishery (Fleet 10).
- Abe, M., I. Yamazaki and M. Kanaiwa
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- Update of estimated catch at size by Purse Seiner in Japanese sea.
- Kanaiwa, M., I. Tsuruoka, A. Shibano, T. Shimura, R. Uji, Y. Ishihara and Y. Takeuchi
- m3kanaiw_at_bioindustry.nodai.ac.jp
- Standardized CPUE of North Pacific bluefin tuna caught by Japanese coastal longliners: updates until 2011.
- Ichinokawa, M. and Y. Takeuchi
- ichimomo_at_fra.affrc.go.jp
- CPUE analysis for Japanese Purse seine in Sea of Japan.
- Kanaiwa, M., T. Shimura, R. Uji, Y. Ishihara and Y. Takeuchi
- m3kanaiw_at_bioindustry.nodai.ac.jp
- Re-estimation of standardized CPUE of Pacific bluefin tuna caught by Japanese offshore longline fisheries operated during 1952-1974.
- Fujioka, K., M. Ichinokawa, K. Oshima and Y. Takeuchi
- fuji88_at_affrc.go.jp
- Abundance indices of young Pacific bluefin tuna, derived from catch-and-effort data of troll fisheries in various regions of Japan.
- Ichinokawa, M., K. Oshima and Y. Takeuchi
- ichimomo_at_fra.affrc.go.jp
- Updated sex specific growth parameters for Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis.
- Shimose, T. and Y. Takeuchi
- shimose_at_affrc.go.jp
- Reconsideration of natural mortality of age -0 Pacific bluefin tuna and its variability relative to fish size.
- Iwata, S., K. Fujioka, H. Fukuda and Y. Takeuchi
- siwata_at_affrc.go.jp
- Reconsideration on the parameters to be used in the analysis of mark-recapture experiment in Tosa Bay, Kochi.
- Iwata, S., K. Fujioka, H. Fukuda and Y. Takeuchi
- siwata_at_affrc.go.jp
- Estimation of steepness of PBFT -By using biological feature.
- Iwata, S., H. Fukuda, O. Abe and Y. Takeuchi
- siwata_at_affrc.go.jp
- Exploratory application of SS incorporating conditional age at length data from otolith aging.
- Takeuchi, Y. and T. Shimose
- yukiot_at_fra.affrc.go.jp
- Review of the setting of SS3 in previous PBFT stock assessment meetings.
- Iwata, S. and Y. Takeuchi
- siwata_at_affrc.go.jp
- Updated standardized catch rates for Pacific bluefin tuna caught by United States and Mexican-flag purse seine fisheries in the eastern Pacific Ocean (1960-2011).
- Aires-da-Silva, A. and S. Teo
- alexdasilva_at_iattc.org
- Recent update of Pacific bluefin tuna catch in Korean waters.
- Yoo, J.-T., Z.-G. Kim, S.-I. Lee, I.-J. Yeon, S.-C. Yoon and D.-W. Lee
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Oral only
- Historical review of the bluefin fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
- Compean-Jimenez, G.
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- A description of PBF field sampling from commercial and sport fisheries in EPO.
- Everett, E.
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- Brief overview of methods for estimation of Pacific bluefin (PBF) total catch and length composition for sport and commercial surface fisheries in the EPO.
- Lennert-Cody, C.
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- Estimation of effective sample size for catch-at-length data of Pacific bluefin tuna.
- Mizuno, A., K. Oshima and Y. Takeuchi
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- Overview of natural mortality for Pacific Bluefin Tuna - age 2+ group-.
- Fukuda, H. and S. Iwata
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- Current situation of Taiwanese longline PBF CPUE data.
- Hsu, C.-C.
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- Update of Japanese quarterly catch for Pacific Bluefin tuna.
- Oshima, K.
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- Time series from US commercial and recreational fisheries for the PBF stock assessment.
- Teo, S.
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- Modeling growth while fitting simultaneously to direct aging and tag-recapture data.
- de Silva, A., Pl. Maunder, K. Schaefer and Fuller
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- A hybrid SS3-VPA model for examining trends in young fish selectivity and recruitment.
- MacCall, A. and S. Teo
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- How to calculate sample size for reconstructed data
- MacCall, A.
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