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16-20 January 2006 Shizuoka, Japan
Working Group Working Papers
- United States catch time series for Pacific bluefin tuna in the North Pacific Ocean.
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- Reviews of Japanese fisheries and catch estimation on the Pacific bluefin tuna.
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- Pacific bluefin tuna fishery in Taiwan.
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- Biological parameters used for the Pacific bluefin tuna stock assessment in the ISC PBF WG.
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- Reconstructing von Bertalanffy growth equation of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) with additional spawners scale samples from the southwestern North Pacific Ocean.
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- An investigation of length-weight relationship for Pacific bluefin tuna.
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- Estimation of natural mortality of age 0 Pacific bluefin tuna from conventional tagging data.
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- Habitat SST of young Pacific bluefin tuna, based on archival tag data.
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- Maturation of bluefin tuna in the Sea of Japan.
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- Standardization of CPUE of age-0 Pacific bluefin tuna by Japanese troll fishery.
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- Habitat-based index and standardized index of catch per unit effort derived from captain’s logbooks and observer records for purse-seine vessels fishing between 1960 and 2005.
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- Bluefin tuna CPUE index derived from commercial passenger fishing vessel logbooks 1936-2004.
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- An updated standardization of a bluefin CPUE by Japanese purse seine fishery in Pacific side of Japanese coastal water.
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- New abundance index for the small-scale longline fishery targeting spawning bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) in the southwestern North Pacific Ocean.
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- Standardization of CPUE in the Pacific bluefin tuna caught by Japanese offshore and coastal longliners.
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- Sampling the catch of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) for length composition.
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- Estimation of Pacific bluefin tuna catch-at-age by fishery in the North Pacific.
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- Updated stock assessment of Pacific bluefin tuna, using a tuned VPA.
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- Evaluation of the use of the fully integrated length-structured stock assessment model Stock Synthesis II for use in modeling northern bluefin Tuna.
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