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22 January 2002 Nagasaki, Japan
- Results of pop-up satellite tagging for the movements in the spawning areas of Pacific bluefin tuna.
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- Diurnal swimming patterns of the Pacific bluefin tuna in the spawning areas of the Southern Ryukyu Islands using ultrasonic telemetry.
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- The outline of the Japanese offshore purse seine fishery in the Sea of Japan.
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- Updated preliminary analysis of mortality of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis using tag-recapture data.
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- Preliminary analysis on nominal CPUE of Japanese troll fishery for bluefin tuna.
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- Fisheries of bluefin tuna in the waters off Korea.
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- Preliminary analysis on nominal CPUE of Japanese set net fishery for bluefin tuna.
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- Long-term variation of Pacific bluefin tuna around Japan.
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- Bluefin tuna fisheries of the United States.
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- Estimation of Japanese bluefin tuna catch by fishery in the North Pacific.
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- Standardization of Pacific bluefin tuna CPUE caught by Japanese distant-water and offshore longliners in the spawning ground from 1953-2000.
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- Preliminary analysis of CPUE of Pacific bluefin tuna caught by Japanese coastal longliners in the spawning Ground.
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- Estimation of Pacific bluefin tuna catch-at-age by fishery for Japanese fisheries in the North Pacific.
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- A description of bluefin fishery for Taiwanese longline fishery in the North Pacific.
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Information Papers
- Report of the ISC Bluefin Tuna Working Group.
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- Estimation of population size of Pacific bluefin tuna using tuning VPA.
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