13-17 January 2025 Honolulu, USA
Working Group Working Papers
- CPUE standardization for striped marlin caught by the Japanese longliners in the western and central North Pacific from 1977 to 2023.
- Takahashi S., M. Kai, M. Jusup, and M. Kanaiwa
- takahashi_shoma84_at_fra.go.jp
- Progress on Japan’s Biological Sampling of Three Billfish Species caught in the North Pacific from 2019 to 2024.
- Ishihara Y., M. Jusup and M. Kai
- ishihara_yuki13_at_fra.go.jp
- On the Review of the Stock Assessment Results for Striped Marlin in the Western and Central North Pacific: Japan’s Response and a Proposal to the Billfish Working Group.
- Kai M. and M. Jusup
- kai_mikihiko61_at_fra.go.jp
- Proposals for the Recovery Plan for Striped Marlin in the western and central North Pacific Following the Implementation of Management Measures.
- Kai M. and M. Jusup
- kai_mikihiko61_at_fra.go.jp
- Preliminary spatiotemporal CPUE standardization for the Japanese longline fishery in the North Pacific from 1975 to 2023.
- Jusup M. and H. Ijima
- jusup_marko00_at_fra.go.jp
- Movement patterns of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) and swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
- Chiang W.-C., S.-J. Lin, M. K. Musyl, Y.-J. Chang, C.-L. Sun, Y.-S. Ho
- wcchiang_at_mail.tfrin.go.tw
- Preliminary Joint CPUE standardization of Pacific stripe marlin in the Western and Central North Ocean by using the spatio-temporal modelling approach.
- Yeh Z.-W., J. Hsu, Y.-J. Chang and W.-C. Chiang
- yjchang_at_ntu.edu.tw
- Progress on Taiwan’s Biological Sampling of three Billfish Species caught in the Pacific.
- Chang Y.-J., Z.-W. Yeh, J. Hsu
- yjchang_at_ntu.edu.tw