30 January-3 February 2020 Taipei, Chinese-Taipei
Report of the Billfish Working Group Workshop
Working Group Working Papers
- Collaborative biological sampling of highly migratory species.
- Kinney, M. J. and J. O’Malley
- michael.kinney_at_noaa.gov
- Review of horizontal migration of swordfish, striped marlin and blue marlin using electrical tags.
- Kurashima, A., H. Ijima and Y. Semba
- akura_at_affrc.go.jp
- The development of guideline of sex-identification based on the macro-characters of gonads of swordfish.
- Kurashima, A., H. Ijima and Y. Semba
- akura_at_affrc.go.jp
- Preliminary result of horizontal and vertical movements of swordfish in the North-west Pacific; A note of swimming behavior of single swordfish.
- Kurashima, A., Y. Fujinami, H. Ijima and Y. Semba
- akura_at_affrc.go.jp
- Review and working plan of re-estimation for growth curve of swordfish and striped marlin in North-West Pacific Ocean.
- Kanaiwa M., Y. Sato, H. Ijima, A. Kurashima, T. Shimose and M. Kanaiwa
- k-miyuki_at_bio.mie-u.ac.jp
- On the Probable Distribution of Stock-Recruitment Steepness for Western and Central North Pacific Swordfish.
- Brodziak J.
- jon.brodziak_at_noaa.gov
- Which recruitment scenario is most likely for conducting future stock projections of Western and Central North Pacific Ocean striped marlin?
- Brodziak J., and M. Sculley
- jon.brodziak_at_noaa.gov
- Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) catch and size data of Taiwanese fisheries in the Pacific Ocean.
- Liu H.-I, R.-F. Wu, Y.-J. Chang and S.-J. Wang
- luoe_at_ofdc.org.tw
- Movement patterns and habitat preferences of five species of billfish in northwestern Pacific Ocean.
- Chiang W.-C., M. K. Musyl, H.-C. Lin, Y.-S. Ho, C.-L. Sun, G. DiNardo and J.-R. Chen
- wcchang_at_mail.tfrin.gov.tw
- Movements of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the northeastern Pacific Ocean as determined by electronic tags (2002-2019).
- Griffiths S., C. Sepulveda and S. Aalbers
- sgriffiths_at_iattc.org
- Considering age uncertainty and two stanzas of growth for the Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans).
- Chang Y.-J., X.-B. Chang, J. Hsu, W.-C. Chiang, and C.-L. Sun.
- yjchang_at_ntu.edu.tw