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13-20 January 2015 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Report of the Billfish Working Group Workshop

Working Group Working Papers


  • U.S. commericial fisheries for marlins in the North Pacific Ocean.
  • Ito, R.Y.


  • Updated operational information and descriptive catch statistics for striped marlin Kajikia audax in the Hawaii-based pelagic longline fishery.
  • Chang, Y.-J., W.A. Walsh and J. Brodziak


  • Standardization of striped marlin Kajikia audax CPUE for the Hawaii-based longline fishery during 1995 E013 using generalized linear models: an update from 2011.
  • Walsh, W.A. and Y.-J. Chang


  • Update of standardized CPUE of striped marlin in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean, based on coastal small longline fishery from 1994 to 2013.
  • Ohshimo, S., M. Kanaiwa and K. Yokawa


  • Summary of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) catch and size data from the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission.
  • Yau, A.J.-Y. and Y.-J. Chang


  • Standardization of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) CPUE in the Hawaiian longline fishery: II. Additional covariates, distribution, and use of data from the deep-set fishery sector only.
  • Langseth, B.


  • Update of standardized CPUE of striped marlin in North Western Central Pacific Ocean by Japanese offshore and distance longline.
  • Kanaiwa, M., S. Oshimo and K. Yokawa


  • Catch and length data of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) from Taiwanese fisheries in the western and central North Pacific Ocean.
  • Su, N.-J., C.-L. Sun and S.-Z. Yeh


  • Standardized CPUE of striped marlin for the Taiwanese distant-water tuna longline fishery in the western and central North Pacific Ocean.
  • Sun, C.-L., N.-J. Su and S.-Z. Yeh


  • CPUE of the North Pacific striped marlin caught by Japanese coastal drift netters.
  • Yokawa, K. and K. Shiozaki


  • Update of input information of the North Pacific striped marlin caught by Japanese fisheries to stock assessment.
  • Yokawa, K., A. Kimoto and K. Shiozaki


  • Spatial distribution of striped marlin catches in the North Pacific from WCPFC data.
  • Tagami, D. and H. Wang