20-28 May 2013 Shimizu, Japan
Reports of the Billfish Working Group Workshop
Working Group Working Papers
- Quarterly summaries of Pacific blue marlin size composition data.
- Brodziak, J. and L. Fletcher
- Jon.Brodziak_at_noaa.gov
- A comparison of the consistency of Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) length and weight composition data from the Japanese distant water longline fleet,
- Brodziak, J.
- Jon.Brodziak_at_noaa.gov
- Vertical and horizontal movements of blue marlin in the northwestern Pacific Ocean determinded using pop-up satellite tags.
- Chiang, Sun, Musyl, G. DiNardo, Hung, Lin, Su, Yeh, Chen, Liu, and Kuo
- istiophorid_at_gmail.com
- Blue marlin stock assessment in the Pacific Ocean.
- Lee, H.-H., Y.-J. Chang, M. Hinton, K. Piner, D. Tagami and I. Taylor
- Huihua.Lee_at_noaa.gov
- Use of likelihood profiling over a global scaling parameter to structure the population dynamics model: an example using blue marlin in the Pacific Ocean.
- Lee, H.-H. and K. Piner
- Huihua.Lee_at_noaa.gov
- A sensitivity analysis of alternative natural mortality schedule and steepness in the Pacific blue marlin stock assessment.
- Kai, M. and K. Yokawa
- kaim_at_affrc.go.jp
- Stock assessment of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the Pacific Ocean using an age-structured model.
- Sun, C.-L., N.-J. Su, S.-Z. Yeh and Chiang
- chilu_at_ntu.edu.tw
- Preliminary analysis of stock status for blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the Pacific Ocean by Bayesian production model.
- Kanaiwa, M., A. Kimoto, N. Takahashi and K. Yokawa
- m3kanaiw_at_bioindustry.nodai.ac.jp
- Application of Bayesian production model to assess Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in 2013.
- Brodziak, J., J. O'Malley, A.J. Yau and Y.-J. Chang
- Jon.Brodziak_at_noaa.gov
- Model selection uncertainty and multi-model inferece in the generalized fishery production modeling: simulation study of the Pacific blue marlin stock.
- Chang, Y.-J., J. Brodziak, H.-H. Lee, G. DiNardo and C.-L. Sun
- Yi-jay.chang_at_noaa.gov