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19-27 January 2011 Honolulu, USA
Report of the Billfish Working Group Workshop

Working Group Working Papers


  • A review of Taiwan's billfish fisheries in the North Pacific, 1997-2009.
  • Sun, C.-L., N.-J. Su, S-Z. Yeh and Y-J. Chang


  • U.S. Commercial Fisheries for Marlins in the North Pacific Ocean.
  • Ito, R. and W. Walsh


  • A Long-term Corrected Catch History for Striped Marlin, Kajikia audax, in Hawaiian Waters.
  • Walsh, W. and R. Ito


  • Review of size data for striped marlin (Kajikia audax) caught by Japanese Commercial Fisheries in the North Pacific from 1970 to 2009.
  • Taguchi, M. and K. Yokawa


  • Length Frequency of Striped Marlin from the Hawaii-based Longline Fishery, 1994-2010.
  • Courtney, D.


  • Analysis of area separation to standardize CPUE of striped marlin in the North Pacific Ocean.
  • Kanaiwa, M. and K. Yokawa


  • Standardized catch-rates for striped marlin (Kajikia audax) for Taiwanese distant-water longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean for 1967-2009.
  • Sun, C.-L., N.-J. Su, S.-Z. Yeh and Y.-J. Chang


  • Standardization of Striped Marlin, Kajikia audax, CPUE with Generalized Linear Models fitted to Pelagic Longline Observer Data from the Hawaii-based Fishery: 1995-2009.
  • Walsh, W. and H.-H. Lee


  • Age and growth of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in waters off Taiwan.
  • Sun, C.-L., W.-S. Hsu, Y.-J. Chang, S.-Z. Yeh, N.-J. Su and W.-C. Chiang


  • Meta-analysis of striped marlin natural mortality.
  • Piner, K. and H.-H. Lee


  • Reproductive biology of female striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in the waters off Taiwan (preliminary).
  • Sun, C.-L., S.-Y. Chang, Y.-J. Chang and S.-Z. Yeh


  • Determining the ex-vessel price of landings in the Japanese distant-water longline fishery.
  • Ito, K., G. Ishimura, K. Yokawa and K. Ishida


  • Searching for optimal economic fishing effort for swordfish (Xiphias gladius) by Japanese distant longline fishing vessels.
  • Ishimura, G., K. Abe, J. Brodziak and M. Kadota


  • Preliminary development of Economic capacity and reference points for Western and Central swordfish fisheries (Xiphias gladius) in the North Pacific.
  • Ishimura, G., K. Abe, J. Brodziak and M. Kadota


  • Preliminary study on socio-economic reference points for internationally shared fishery resources: swordfish resouces in the North Pacific.
  • Abe, K., G. Ishimura and K. Engie