12-13 July 2010 Victoria, Canada
Report of the Billfish Working Group Workshop
Working Group Working Papers
- Biological reference point table.
- Piner, K. and K. Yokawa
- Kevin.Piner_at_noaa.gov
- Age-based analyses of potential biological reference points for the Western and Central North Pacific swordfish (Xiphias gladius) stock.
- Brodziak, J. and D. Courtney
- Jon.Brodziak_at_noaa.gov
- Production model analyses of maximum sustainable yield-based reference points for the North Pacific swordfish stocks.
- Brodziak, J. and G. Ishimura
- Jon.Brodziak_at_noaa.gov
- Preliminary analysis of area boundary to standardize CPUE of striped marlin in North Pacific Ocean.
- Kanaiwa, M. and K. Yokawa
- m3kanaiw_at_bioindustry.nodai.ac.jp
- The U.S. longline fishery for striped marlin in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Ito, R. and K. Sender
- Russell.Ito_at_noaa.gov
- Available data of striped marlin and swordfish by the Japanese fishery in the North Pacific.
- Kimoto, A. and K. Yokawa
- aikimoto_at_affrc.go.jp