January 2002 Nagasaki, Japan
Working Group Working Papers
- Updated biological research in support of swordfish stock assessment.
- Dematini, E., R. Humphreys, Jr. and J. Uchiyama
- Edward.Demartini_at_noaa.gov
- U.S. swordfish fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean.
- Ito, R. and A. Coan, Jr.
- Russell.Ito_at_noaa.gov
- NMFS Honolulu laboratory research to reduce bycatch of sea turtles.
- Laurs, M., C. Boggs, R. Brill and Y. Swimmer
- Christofer.Boggs_at_noaa.gov
- Stock assessment of swordfish in the North Pacific using MULTIFAN-CL.
- Kleiber, P. and K. Yokawa
- Pierre.Kleiber_at_noaa.gov
- An update of Taiwan's North Pacific swordfish fishery.
- Sun, C.-L., S.-Z. Yeh and S.-P. Wang
- chilu_at_ntu.edu.tw
- Sex ratios and sexual maturity of swordfish Xiphias gladius in the waters of Taiwan.
- Sun, C.-L., S.-P. Wang and S.-Z Yeh
- chilu_at_ntu.edu.tw
- Standardized catch rate and abundance index for swordfish caught by Japanese longliner in the North Pacific in 1975-2000.
- Minami H. and K. Yokawa
- yokawa_at_affrc.go.jp
- Preliminary result of food habits of the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, in the subtropical saters of the Western North Pacific.
- Watanabe, H. and K. Yokawa
- yokawa_at_affrc.go.jp
- Status of fisheries and swordfish in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.
- Hinton, M.
- mhinton_at_iattc.org
- An oceanographic characterization of swordfish longline fishing grounds in the subtropical North Pacific during spring.
- Seki, M., J. Polovina, D. Kobayashi, R. Bidigare and G. Mitchum
- Michael.Seki_at_noaa.gov
- Initial results from Pop-up Satellite Archival Transmitter (PSAT) attachments to swordfish in Hawaii.
- Musyl, M., R. Brill, C. Boggs and K. Bigelow
- Michael.Musyl_at_noaa.gov
- Analysis of swimming behavior of a swordfish using an archival tag.
- Takashi, M., M. Okazaki, H. Okamura and K. Yokawa
- m.takahashi_at_affrc.go.jp
- Report of the Swordfish Working Group Meeting (tabled at the second meeting of the ISC, convened in Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A., January 1999).
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