Table** Annual catch table in metric tons by country and by fishery for Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis).                                            
“0”; Fishing effort was reported but no catch. “+”; Bellow 499kg catch. “-“; Unreported catch or catch information not available. *: Data from the most recent years are provisional.                                                                
Catch disposition Year JPN KOR   MEX TWN USA Species Grand Total
Set-net Longline Pole-and-line Troll Others Purse seine JPN total Set-net Longline Purse seine Trawll KOR total Others Purse seine MEX total Set-net Gill-net (not specified) Drift gill-net Long
Others Purse seine TWN total Drift gill-net Long
Pole-and-line Troll Others Purse seine Sport USA total
Retained 1952 2,145 2,694 2,198 667 1,700 7,680 17,084           -  -  -                          2,076 2 2,078 19,162
  1953 2,335 3,040 3,052 1,472 160 5,570 15,629           -  -  -                          4,433 48 4,481 20,110
  1954 5,579 3,088 3,044 1,656 266 5,366 18,999           -  -  -                          9,537 11 9,548 28,547
  1955 3,256 2,951 2,841 1,507 1,151 14,016 25,722           -  -  -                          6,173 93 6,266 31,988
  1956 4,170 2,672 4,060 1,763 385 20,979 34,029           -  -  -                          5,727 388 6,115 40,144
  1957 2,822 1,685 1,795 2,392 414 18,147 27,255           -  -  -                          9,215 73 9,288 36,543
  1958 1,187 818 2,337 1,497 215 8,586 14,640           -  -  -                          13,934 10 13,944 28,584
  1959 1,575 3,136 586 736 167 9,996 16,196           32 171 203                   56     3,506 13 3,575 19,974
  1960 2,032 5,910 600 1,885 369 10,541 21,337           -  -  -                    +      4,547 1 4,548 25,885
  1961 2,710 6,364 662 3,193 599 9,124 22,652           -  130 130                   16     7,989 23 8,028 30,810
  1962 2,545 5,769 747 1,683 293 10,657 21,694           -  294 294                   +      10,769 25 10,794 32,782
  1963 2,797 6,077 1,256 2,542 294 9,786 22,752           -  412 412                   28     11,832 7 11,867 35,031
  1964 1,475 3,140 1,037 2,784 1,884 8,973 19,293           -  131 131                   39     9,047 7 9,093 28,517
  1965 2,121 2,569 831 1,963 1,106 11,496 20,086           -  289 289       54     54     11 +  66 6,523 1 6,601 27,030
  1966 1,261 1,370 613 1,614 129 10,082 15,069           -  435 435       -      -      12     15,450 20 15,482 30,986
  1967 2,603 878 1,210 3,273 302 6,462 14,728           -  371 371       53     53     +      5,517 32 5,549 20,701
  1968 3,058 500 983 1,568 217 9,268 15,594           -  195 195       33     33     8     5,773 12 5,793 21,615
  1969 2,187 878 721 2,219 195 3,236 9,436           -  260 260       23     23     9     6,657 15 6,681 16,400
  1970 1,779 607 723 1,198 224 2,907 7,438           -  92 92       -      -      +      3,873 19 3,892 11,422
  1971 1,555 697 938 1,492 317 3,721 8,720   0     0 -  555 555       1     1     +      7,804 8 7,812 17,088
  1972 1,107 512 944 842 197 4,212 7,814   0     0 -  1,646 1,646       14     14     3   42 11,656 15 11,716 21,190
  1973 2,351 838 526 2,108 636 2,266 8,725   0     0 -  1,084 1,084       33     33     5 +  20 9,639 54 9,718 19,560
  1974 6,019 1,177 1,192 1,656 754 4,106 14,904   0     0 -  344 344       47 15   62     +  +  30 5,243 58 5,331 20,641
  1975 2,433 1,061 1,401 1,031 808 4,491 11,225   3     3 -  2,145 2,145       61 5   66     83   1 7,353 34 7,471 20,910
  1976 2,996 320 1,082 830 1,237 2,148 8,613   5     5 -  1,968 1,968       17 2   19     22 +  3 8,652 21 8,698 19,303
  1977 2,257 338 2,256 2,166 1,052 5,110 13,179   0     0 -  2,186 2,186       131 2   133     10   3 3,259 19 3,291 18,789
  1978 2,546 648 1,154 4,517 2,276 10,427 21,568   3     3 -  545 545       66 2   68     4   2 4,663 5 4,674 26,858
  1979 4,558 729 1,250 2,655 2,429 13,881 25,502   0     0 -  213 213       58 -    58     5   1 5,889 11 5,906 31,679
  1980 2,521 811 1,392 1,531 1,953 11,327 19,535   0     0 -  582 582       114 5   119     +    24 2,327 7 2,358 22,594
  1981 2,129 590 754 1,777 2,653 25,422 33,325   0     0 -  218 218       179 -    179 4   +  10 +  867 9 890 34,612
  1982 1,667 718 1,777 864 1,709 19,234 25,969   0 31   31 -  506 506     2 207 -    209 9   1   +  2,639 11 2,660 29,375
  1983 972 217 356 2,028 1,117 14,774 19,464   0 13   13 -  214 214     2 175 -  9 186 31   59   2 629 33 754 20,631
  1984 2,234 142 587 1,874 868 4,433 10,138   1 4   5 -  166 166     -  477 8 5 490 6 1 5   18 673 49 752 11,551
  1985 2,562 105 1,817 1,850 1,175 4,154 11,663   0 1   1 -  676 676     11 210 -  80 301 8       20 3,320 89 3,437 16,078
  1986 2,914 102 1,086 1,467 719 7,412 13,700   0 344   344 -  189 189     13 70 -  16 99 16       41 4,851 12 4,920 19,252
  1987 2,198 211 1,565 880 445 8,653 13,952   13 89   102 -  119 119     14 365 -  21 400 2       18 861 34 915 15,488
  1988 843 157 907 1,124 498 3,605 7,134   0 32   32 1 447 448     37 108 25 197 367 4       46 923 6 979 8,960
  1989 748 209 754 903 283 6,190 9,087   0 71   71 -  57 57     51 205 3 259 518 3       18 1,046 112 1,179 10,912
  1990 716 309 536 1,250 455 2,989 6,255   0 132   132 -  50 50     299 189 16 149 653 11       81 1,380 65 1,537 8,627
  1991 1,485 218 286 2,069 650 9,808 14,516   0 265   265 -  9 9     107 342 12 -  461 4 2     +  410 92 508 15,759
  1992 1,208 513 166 915 1,081 7,162 11,045   0 288   288 -  0 -      3 464 5 73 545 9 38     14 1,928 110 2,099 13,977
  1993 848 812 129 546 365 6,600 9,300   0 40   40 -  -  -        471 3 1 475 32 42     29 580 283 966 10,781
  1994 1,158 1,206 162 4,111 398 8,131 15,166   0 50   50 2 63 65       559 -    559 28 30     1 906 86 1,051 16,891
  1995 1,859 678 270 4,778 586 18,909 27,080   0 821   821 -  11 11       335 2   337 20 29     +  657 245 951 29,200
  1996 1,149 901 94 3,640 570 7,644 13,998   0 102   102 -  3,700 3,700 -  -    956 -  -  956 43 25   2 +  4,639 40 4,749 23,505
  1997 803 1,300 34 2,740 811 13,152 18,840   0 1,054   1,054 -  367 367 -  -    1,814 -  -  1,814 58 26   1 48 2,240 131 2,504 24,579
  1998 874 1,255 85 2,876 700 5,391 11,181   0 188   188 0 1 1 -  -    1,910 -  -  1,910 40 54   128 59 1,771 422 2,474 15,754
  1999 1,097 1,157 35 3,440 709 16,173 22,611   0 256   256 35 2,369 2,404 -  -    3,089 -  -  3,089 22 54   20 88 184 408 776 29,136
  2000 1,125 953 102 5,217 689 16,486 24,572   0 2,401 0 2,401 99 3,019 3,118 -  1   2,780 1 -  2,782 30 19   1 11 693 319 1,073 33,946
  2001 1,366 791 180 3,466 782 7,620 14,205   0 1,176 10 1,176 -  863 863 -  2   1,839 2 -  1,843 35 6   6 1 292 344 684 18,781
  2002 1,100 841 99 2,607 631 8,903 14,181   0 932 1 932 2 1,708 1,710 -  3   1,523 1 -  1,527 7 2   1 2 50 613 675 19,026
  2003 839 1,237 44 2,060 446 5,768 10,394   0 2,601 0 2,601 43 3,211 3,254 -  10   1,863 11 -  1,884 14 1     3 22 355 395 18,528
  2004 896 1,847 132 2,445 514 8,257 14,091   0 773 0 773 14 8,880 8,894 -  1   1,714 2 -  1,717 10 1     +    50 61 25,536
  2005 2,182 1,925 549 3,633 548 12,817 21,654   0 1,318 9 1,318 -  4,542 4,542 1 -    1,368 1 -  1,370 5 1     1 201 73 281 29,174
  2006 1,421 1,121 108 1,860 777 8,880 14,167   0 1,012 3 1,012 -  9,927 9,927 1 -    1,149 -  -  1,150 1 1     +    94 96 26,355
  2007 1,503 1,762 236 2,823 657 6,840 13,821   0 1,281 4 1,281 -  4,147 4,147 2 8   1,401 -  -  1,411 2 +      +  42 12 56 20,720
  2008 2,358 1,390 64 2,377 770 10,221 17,180   0 1,866 10 1,866 15 4,392 4,407 1 1   979 -  -  981 1 +      +    63 64 24,508
  2009 2,236 1,080 50 2,003 575 8,077 14,021   0 936 4 936 -  3,019 3,019 1 10   877 -  -  888 3 1   0 2 410 156 572 19,440
  2010 1,603 890 83 1,583 495 3,742 8,396   0 1,196 16 1,196 -  7,746 7,746 29 7   373 -  -  409 1 0     0   88 89 17,852
  2011 1,651 837 63 1,820 283 8,340 12,994   0 670 14 670 1 2,730 2,731 16 7   292 1 0 316 18 0   0 100   225 343 17,068
  2012 1,932 673 113 570 343 2,462 6,093   0 1,421 2 1,421 1 6,667 6,668 2 -    210 2 -  214 4 0   0 38   400 442 14,840
  2013 1,415 784 8 904 529 2,771 6,411 1 -  604 0 604   3,154 3,154 2 1   332 -  -  335 7 1   0 3   809 820 11,325
  2014 1,907 715 5 1,023 499 5,456 9,605 6   1,305 -  1,311   4,862 4,862 2 1   480 -  -  483 4 0   0 1 401 398 804 17,065
1) Japanese coastal longline and other catch data from 2007 to 2013 were revised as a result of deleting double counting and changing the data source (ISC15/STATWG/WP-4).                                
2) Japanese troll catch since 1998 includes catch for farming.                                                       
3) Korea's catch statistics are derived from Japanese Import statistics for 1982-1999.                                                  
4) US catch in 1952-1958 contains catch from other countries - primarily Mexico. Other includes catches from gillnet, troll, pole-and-line, and longline.                                      
5) Set-net catches in 2013 were updated based on the Japanese official statistics of annual catch.                                                
6) The catch of Japanese coastal longline in 2014 is provisional and includes catch of the distant water and offshore longline.