Table** Annual catch table in metric tons by countries and by fisheries for Blue shark.                                  
“0”; Fishing effort was reported but no catch. “+”; Bellow 499kg catch. “-“; Unreported catch or catch information not available.                                                          
Catch disposition Year JPN   KOR MEX   TWN USA Total  
Set-net   Drift gill-net   Longline   Others   Not specified   JPN Total   Longline KOR Total Others   MEX Total   Longline TWN Total Drift
Longline Troll Others Sport USA Total
Retain catch 1985                                         +     1   1 1  
  1986                                         1     1   2 2  
  1987                                         1     1   2 2  
  1988                                         +     3   3 3  
  1989                                               6   6 6  
  1990                                         +     20   20 20  
  1991                                         +     1   1 1  
  1992                                         1     1   2 2  
  1993                                         +     +   0 0  
  1994         20,062           20,062                   +     12   12 20,074  
  1995         18,427           18,427                   +     5   5 18,432  
  1996         21,251           21,251                   +     +   0 21,251  
  1997         26,105           26,105                   +     +   0 26,105  
  1998         23,988           23,988                   +     1   1 23,989  
  1999         26,541           26,541                   +     +   0 26,541  
  2000         27,511           27,511                   +     +   0 27,511  
  2001         28,126           28,126       -   -             +   + 28,126  
  2002         26,345           26,345       -   -             +   + 26,345  
  2003         26,278           26,278       -   -       +     +   0 26,278  
  2004         22,470           22,470       -   -             +   + 22,470  
  2005         21,887           21,887       -   -             +   + 21,887  
  2006         19,063           19,063       -   -             +   + 19,063  
  2007         15,190           15,190       2,073   2,073       9 8   +   17 17,280  
  2008         21,773           21,773       3,531   3,531         7       7 25,311  
  2009 6   908   19,260   730   1   20,905       3,261   3,261   11,541 11,541 1 9   1   11 35,718  
  2010 9   733   22,633   802   1   24,177       3,700   3,700   7,670 7,670 + 7   0   7 35,554  
  2011 7   438   18,780   862   3   20,090       3,366   3,366   13,117 13,117   13   0   13 36,586  
  2012 2   631   12,937   764   3   14,336       4,108   4,108   10,606 10,606   16   0   16 29,066  
  2013 4   898   16,316   635   2   17,855   75 75 4,494   4,494   6,321 6,321   1 0 0   1 28,746  
  2014 2   868   15,614   598   2   17,083   100 100 5,513   5,513   8,151 8,151   0   + + 0 30,847  
  2015 (2)   (868)   (15,614)   (598)   (2)   (17,083)   53 53 - *1 - *1 (8,272) (8,272)       1 0 1 (25,409) * 2
Retain catch total (32)   (5,344)   (466,171)   (4,989)   (14)   (476,546)   228 228 30,046 * 2 30,046 *2 (65,678) (65,678) 13 61 0 54 0 128 (572,626) * 2
Release 2015                         + +                         +  
Release total                         + +                         +  
Total (32)   (5,344)   (466,171)   (4,989)   (14)   (476,546)   228 228 30,046 * 2 30,046 * 2 (65,678) (65,678) 13 61 0 54 0 128 (572,626) * 2
Numbers in paranthesus are provisional.
Sharks catch is all retained, and no discard data.
1) Mexico did not submit 2015 catch data to ISC16.
2) Total catch does not include Mexican 2015 catch